Swiss Text Corpus of the 21st Century
Since the resumption in 2017, the following persons have worked on the Swiss Text Corpus at the Schweizerisches Idiotikon:
Scientific Staff
Hans Bickel, Lorenz Küchler, Muriel Peter, Tobias Roth, Manuela Weibel.
Student Assistants
Alessandra Lötscher, Selina Sprecher, Lukas Tobler (fmr).
Swiss Text Corpus of the 20th Century
Between 2004 and 2009 the following persons worked at the Deutsches Seminar of the University of Basel for the construction of the Swiss Text Corpus.
Annelies Häcki Buhofer.
Scientific Staff
Hans Bickel, Markus Gasser, Lorenz Hofer, Rhea Kyvelos, Tobias Roth, Regula Schmidlin and Christoph Schön.
Student Assistants
Maja Ardüser, Balz Aschwanden, Sabina Bossert, Tino Bruni, Emilie Buri, Deborah Ferber, Silvia Flubacher, Evi Fountoulakis, Jasmin Gremper, Nadja Lincke, Thomas Oehler, Leslie Schott, Florian Schultheiss, Steffen Siebenhüner, Andrea Spiess, Susanne Stocker and Didier Wetzel.