Partner institutions
The Swiss Text Corpus is part of a quadri-national research project (Korpus C4) with partners in Berlin (Germany), Bolzano/Bozen (Italy) and Vienna (Austria):
- Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (DWDS) from Berlin
- Austrian Academy Corpus (AAC) from Vienna
- Korpus Südtirol from Bozen/Bolzano
The Swiss Text Corpus cultivates cooperation with other institutions and projects:
- Institute of Computational Linguistics of the University of Zurich
- Feste Wortverbindungen des Deutschen. Kollokationenwörterbuch für den Alltag (University of Basel)
- Variantenwörterbuch des Deutschen
- Language and Space Lab at the University of Zurich
The Swiss Text Corpus is hosted by the Schweizerisches Idiotikon which offers other online services:
- Schweizerisches Idiotikon - Schweizerdeutsches Wörterbuch
- - the portal for Swiss toponomy research
Further links
- SwissCorpora - project to clarify the legal framework of internet corpora in Switzerland
- DDC-Concordance - linguistic search-engine
- Text+Berg digital - digitising and enhancing a corpus of Swiss alpine literature